We built that little yellow house in the middle of the picture before we had a pastor, before we had a children's home, before we had a church in Mexico. We built it in faith believing that God would send the right family to build a great work with us in TJ. We had no idea that someday we'd tear down the little church we built and put up a new one- the large building on the left. That he'd lead us to shelter children at risk and give us the opportunity to share the lives of so many children with Siempre Para Los Ninos, the big building on the right. God's plans were bigger than our dreams or visions- thankfully -and He's given us the chance to share in more than we ever imagined when we first rescued a family, living beneath a tree, and built their first house.
Now it's time to build again. In order to build- that sweet little house- that's become a home for Pastor Israel and his family, has to be torn down. They're tearing down in faith believing that God has something greater in store for them. They’re trusting that we will be faithful in our work. It's a testimony of loving obedience for each of us- it's faith to move. It inspires me.
It’s the way it is with life: change. We fight it- but it’s a useless battle and one we don’t want to win. We grow up, our children grow up, our dreams grow up… God’s ways are not our ways and His dreams and visions for our tomorrows often include painful tearing down, today. But His tomorrow is the only one worth living for: His community of the faithful the only one that will hold us when the foundations of this world shake beneath our feet.
Are you building on His Firm Foundation today? It’s The One Foundation that can take us through every move, every change, every curveball life throws at us and continue to give us promise to deliver a brighter tomorrow, without fail. If not, you can join us this Memorial Day Weekend as we begin to build a brighter future for church, Siempre and the community they live in… as we build, God will renew something within us- it’s called faith, and it’s contagious. If you’re going through a time of tearing down, or building up, why not join us for the weekend? I’ve discovered that faith and dreams are both contagious. Come out and catch the dream and build your faith.
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