I took the little video at the start of this blog, Friday morning, May 23, 2008 - as they prepared to unload materials for our Memorial Day Weekend build at Siempre Para Los Ninos in Tijuana, Mexico. The photo was taken Monday morning, May 26, 2008 -shortly after we dedicated the building... 2 days, 3500 square feet, months in the planning, tens of thousands of dollars in fundraising... today, not completely finished but pretty darn close... not furnished or painted... but ready for the pioneering groups who'll be the first to lead mission's trips to Samaritan House at Siempre... it's hard to imagine another Memorial Day Weekend is behind us.
When we built our first church it took months to actually have a congregation- today -that little church has been torn down and rebuilt as Pastor Israel leads a thriving, growing congregation... they're planting a new church on their own in a new community. It took months after we built our children's home, Siempre Para Los Ninos, before we had our first children- today, our directors, Alejandro and Aracelys have their hands full with over 30 children, a full staff and face the challenges of who can get into Siempre... Don't know how long it'll take us to find a new bridge building missionary to live in the apartment we built atop the new building... or how long until each week is filled with work groups... but I know it will happen... God is faithful... even when we're faithless... but we're doing our best to remain faithful.
Watching the faithfulness of the workers- listening to the witness of their faith in a hammer's fall, the swoosh of a paintbrush, the constant cry of our generators producing electricity for the worksite... I was blessed just to partner with so many fantastic people... people with a heart for God, a heart for children at risk, a heart for people living in poverty... we had such fun... we shared a miracle... hope you can catch just a bit of it in the video and photos.
many blessings... many thanks...
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