Friday, October 5, 2007

My Daily Run

That's a satellite shot of my neighborhood. Look closely and you'll see a little blue line with arrows: my daily run. Just under 5 and a half miles, the way I can put it off one would think it's a marathon. Weather's been perfect for running; cool, clear, an invitation to get outside... still I find a way to brush my teeth, check my email, read the newspaper, even cruise all my favorite www sites before pushing this old frame out the door.

But here's the deal- I'm out doing it again, everyday.

I'm a runner. People ask me about my running when I go places. I've been running for decades. In the '60's ran like a kid- (I was a kid!) In the '70's ran mornings when there were no waves- getting in on the fitness craze. Injured my knee running a 5k in '84 and cycled the rest of the '80's. Ran my first marathon in '91 at LA, spent the next decade running a marathon a year. The new century brought a bit of a slow down. Weeks that used to be filled with 40-45 miles were now lucky to break 20. It's been a roller coaster, filled with getting back at it and falling away- old age? No excuses. Too busy... life's definitely been... but I've run through busy times before. Think it's just time to get back at it, again.

This morning I'm blogging- one more excuse not to go outside and play... to run. I'll strap on my heart rate monitor, latch my little computer- a Garmin 305 -to my shoulder to track speed, route, etc... by gps... then go out and run the same little 5 mile loop I've been running for 14 years. Hope you've got something to pull you outdoors today.

still running,


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