Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Material Girl... a little lunch together

Sat down to lunch at my desk... where I eat most of my lunches... and clicked in to check my email as a gentle effort at multi-tasking. On the front page of MSN was an invitation to follow a link to the 7-7-07 LIVE EARTH concerts, greening the world one pop star at a time. Ready for change and eager for a little free music, in a matter of seconds, Madonna herself was up and singing live from Wembly Stadium, England.

Very cool song about loving yourself, loving someone else, saving someone, changing... I'm certain entire groups will find numerous reasons why the song is anti-something and probably hedonistic... me... I'm much easier to please and not nearly so quick to lay out judgement. Never the #1 Madonna fan, I found myself thinking: "Nice effort... hope someone hears a message of hope." Not to mention that the song had a good beat and was easy to dance to, (I'd give it an 8 out of 10), but she was also backed up by a bunch of English school kids... what's not to like?

So after sharing a song with Madonna- clicking her picture with my cell phone- live, no less, just inches away, I returned to work... actually I had to tell someone about lunch with Madonna... so here I am bragging and doing a little name dropping... now it's time to get back to work.

30 years ago today I thought about friends I'd met while traveling in Rome. We all needed places to sleep so we rented a large room in a hostel and crashed together. He was traveling with his girlfriend, who didn't want to be traveling any longer, she wanted to go home and get married. He wasn't planning on going home any time soon: they'd been on the road for nearly a year and the only thing that would take him back to Canada was a promised reunion with a bunch of High School buddies on 7-7-77... she thought it was a stupid idea and wanted to get married on 7-7-77.

After a week or two in Rome, we parted ways and never touched base again, email wasn't even a dream yet, it was a BIG world. 30 years later, tens of thousands of people and hundreds of thousands of miles gone by, I don't remember either of their names, but I think of them most July 7's and especially today: 7-7-07. I hope they're celebrating their 30th anniversary, she was a keeper. I hope their happy.

It was nice to share lunch with the material girl, but if I could have clicked in "live" anywhere in the world, I would have clicked on the two of them, just to check in. Stuff- this material world -comes and goes, but the relationships that shape us... that somehow touch our spirit: remain. Maybe that's what Madonna was trying to say in her song. It touched me, all the way from England.

blessings friends, wherever you are...


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